Advance Digital Marketing Certification Courses

41 Modules | 10+ Digital Marketing Tools

Trained 1000+ Professionals | Rated 4.9 / 5 | 15+ Certifications

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Terms And Conditions

Rules and Regulations:-

1. Students must adhere to the Formal Dress Code inside the class. Use of mobile phones in the classrooms, Library, workshop area strictly prohibited.
2. Every student must carry his / her Identity Card while entering the campus and identify himself with help of the Identity Card whenever asked for.
3. No guests / visitors shall be allowed with the students in the class/lab/ library.
4. Students must help keep the institute neat and clean and also preserve and maintain the greeneries.
5.Eatables / beverages are not allowed inside the study areas including labs, library, and workshops.
6. Smoking is prohibited in the premises of the institute.
7. Students must conserve electricity and water. They must switch off lights & fans when they leave the 8. class room, laboratories.
9. Rules to be followed in laboratory / workshop / drawing hall
10. Any removable data storage device or hardware attachments for software operations cannot be taken in or out without written approval of the department in charge. A violation of this will be considered as an intention for piracy / theft.
11. While studying at the Institute, students will have to operate machines and tools carefully and observe all safety regulations and see that no damage is caused to self, others or to the Institute's property, machinery and equipment. In case it is found that they have caused any damage to the Institute's property they shall be required to reimburse or make good the damage caused. Any decision regarding the extent of their liability on such account shall be at the discretion of the Institute, which shall be final.
12.The nature of learning in any program may require the students to purchase tools, stationary items from time to time. Specific instructions in this regard will be given by the concerned department / faculty at the beginning of various courses.
13. In case of medical emergency in the laboratory, the student must inform the faculty member / technical assistant without any hesitation.

Circulation Rules

1. No books shall be issued and delivered to any person other than a duly registered borrower in person. However in under exigencies a registered borrower can give authority in writing to another member to receive a book or books on his/ her behalf.
2. Borrowed items by college-students must be returned on or before the due date failing which the borrower will need to pay overdue charges at the following rate, for continuation of membership: OVERDUE CHARGES: Rupees 5/- per day per book
3.Absence, illness etc. are not acceptable excuses for waiver of overdue charges. However, if the due date falls on an institute holiday, the item may be returned on the next working day without any overdue charge.
4. Repeated failure to return borrowed items on time and/or failure to return such items in spite of reminder(s), may lead to denial of borrowing facility for a period to be decided by the Librarian.
5. Before leaving the return counter at the time of returning a borrowed item, the student should make sure that his/her responsibility is duly discharged by cancelling the item against his/her name.
6. Students found defaulters in respect of returning library books more than twice in the course of two consecutive months or those who do not return books after a third reminder may be denied privileges and facilities of the library, both reference and lending, by the Librarian.
7. In case of loss of a library card a duplicate card may be issued, at the discretion of the Librarian, for which a fee of Rupees 10/- per card will have to be paid. Another duplicate library card for Students be issued against a charge of Rupees 100/- per card. Thereafter no duplicate card shall be issued.
8. Reference materials, loose issue of periodicals and CD-ROMs/DVDs, Project Reports are among items which are not meant to be issued.
9. A student can renew an item only once, provided there is no requisition for that particular item.

Following activities shall be deemed as act of indiscipline

i.Disruption of, or improper interference with the academic, administrative, sporting, social or other activities of the institute, whether on institute premises or elsewhere
ii. Using abusive language and creating nuisance in the premises of this institute, disturbing the peace and independent rights of fellow students and faculty members;
iii. Fraud, deceit, deception, dishonesty or theft in relation to this institute or its staff, or in connection with holding any office in PDPL, or in relation to being a student of this institute;
iv. Action likely to cause sexual or racial harassment of any student, member of staff or other employee of this institute or any authorized visitor of this institute; v. Damage to, or defacement of, PDPL property caused intentionally or recklessly, or misappropriation of such property which includes , damaging library books, resources and furniture like cupboards / lockers / file cabinets / walls /doors/ windows/ white board / tables / equipment / chairs etc. by way of writing names/painting/scribbling etc.;
vi. Misuse or unauthorized use of the institute premises or items of property, including computer misuse; vii. Being instrumental directly or indirectly for mass absenteeism or boycott of classes resulting in vitiating the atmosphere of the Institute. Threatening, physically preventing or using any other means from preventing the students from attending classes;
viii. Consuming drugs, alcohol or any other activity in Campus/ Hostel which is construed as a societal offence at large;

Penalties for minor disciplinary violation

Where the violation is considered minor by the Competent Authority, the following penalties may be imposed at the discretion of the Competent Authority for minor disciplinary violations:

1.A warning to be issued to the student for first offence may not be placed in the students' record. However, in case of a repeat offence the censure may be placed on the student's record and may invite action;
2. A fine may be imposed for each violation / offence;
3. Withholding scholarship or other benefits/ grade cards / offer letters

Penalties for major disciplinary violation

When violation is considered major by the Competent Authority, the following penalties may be imposed for the major disciplinary violations:

1. Suspension / debarment from the institute/ hostel and will be debarred from entering the premises, facilities and from attending the classes or;
2. Permanent expulsion from the institute or;
3. The defaulter may be debarred form taking an examination or examinations for one year or more than one year. Or;
4. Will not be allowed to sit for placement Activities.
5. Any other course of action which may be reasonable in the circumstances.

Penalties for Ragging

As per Supreme Court Judgment ragging is - any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act with the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any other student, Indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior student or asking the students to do any act or perform something which such student will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student.

The punishment may also take the shape of:

1. Withholding Scholarships or other benefits.
2. Debarring from representation in events.
3. Withhold results.
4. Suspend or Expel from hostel or Institute .

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